
Wedding anniversary

ROM anniversary

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Appreciation to all the people who had involved!

Our wedding had been very successful! Its had not been possible with our family, friends and colleagues involvement.

Our family members and relatives who had been engaged and help a lot with our wedding customary events and preparation from the start to the actual day of our wedding.

Our main coordinator of the event, Daming had had been involved into every detail of our wedding from the itinery, songs to the running of the actual day. Everyone can see that you had managed the whole event very efficiently.

Our brothers Melvin, Jason and Wee Loon who had worked hard to crash the gate, helping to carry our things, ushering guests and many more.

Our sisters Lena, Karin, Xiao Yun and Peiru who had done many preparations for the gate crashing. All of you had fulfill your respective roles professionally. Thanks for making me carefree and beautiful on my wedding day.

Our chauffeur, Chris for driving us and my parents in his beautiful Audi A4.

Our emcees, Caroline and Jocelyn for making an enjoyable night for our guests.

Our receptionists Tiffany, Anna, Kelly, Meifang, Lena and Xiao Yun for helping to direct our guest to their respective seat.

Thank you to all of you!

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